||AUM 28||
Q: How do you merge models in MED?

Q: How can I avoid being detected by the enemies if the player has morphed to another model?

Q: I use hit_smoke and hit_sparks for one of my weapons to make it look like a cloud of dust if you shoot the ground; my problem is it also does it if I shoot
a human model...is there an easy way to stop this?

Q: I just upgraded from demo to Extra... all the actors now have a white square at their feet where they touch the ground. Any ideas?

Q: How many events can an action have?

Q: I have created a 2D / 3D side scroller game and I want the camera to track a point X distance in front of the player.

Q: How do I use handle and ptr_for_handle?

Q: When I start the level, my warlocks turns around and walk back against the wall. How can I make them just stand? I use the premade action actor_walk_fight.

Q: How do I get a health bar to be displayed above an enemy's head?

||AUM 27||
Q: Can I create an entity, assign it an action and when my player touches it the engine will play an avi file with sound?

Q: I use your dart game from Aum23. How can I prevent multiple darts from being fired when the player clicks the mouse quickly several times?

Q: How can you display a bar in the top left corner which shows how much armor you have left (like a health bar)?

Q: How can I keep only the 1st person view and not change views when the player presses F7?

Q: How can I place a panel on the screen which changes its bmp automatically for the three main resolutions (640, 800, and 1024 pixels)?

Q: I would like to be able to reload my weapons when I press the "R" key. How can I do that?

Q: I am making a game that needs to play a sound when the player collides with one of the level blocks, but the sound keeps playing while you are colliding
with the block. How would you change it so that the sound only plays once when you hit the wall?

Q: I have no idea how to do this thing about defining the width and height of my font. Can anybody help?

Q: I am working with a lot of panels on the screen, and I need to be able to move them around the screen. Is there a way that i can find out which panel was clicked? Kinda get the panels name...
A: The next engine update (A6.1) will include the panel pointer. Read more about it and see a code sample in "Hot features".